I'm trying out a Shure KSM32 large diaphragm condenser mic for recording some of my posts for next week. I also upgraded my studio headphones to ensure better mastering of comparative samples. Here's a quick little comparison between one KSM32 and the Zoom H4n's built in stereo microphones. It's absolutely night and day... or night in Toledo Ohio and night on the French Riviera.
Ron Tracy3
Ron Tracy3 with Shure KSM32
Ron Tracy3
Ron Tracy3 with Shure KSM32
The Shure sounds great. A bit bulky to haul around though. The Zoom's portability is tough to beat.
I've used the 32 at Northwestern, I've always liked them, and how much range they can get. The KSM 109 also is nice, a cigar-type, good for picking up things directly...
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